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05.09.2022 18:20 - Петте стъпки на НАТО за контрол на всяка държава
Автор: zahariada Категория: Политика   
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Последна промяна: 05.09.2022 18:24

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Петте стъпки на НАТО за контрол на всяка държава
image Деклан Хейс image 2 септември 2022 г © Снимка: REUTERS/Ив Херман


НАТО използва петте основни процеса, за да подчини всяка страна, която попадне в техния списък за унищожение, пише Деклан Хейс.

НАТО използва петте основни процеса на местоположение, зависимост, подкупване, цивилен контрол и сила, за да подчини всяка страна, която попадне в техния списък за удари.

НАТО трябва първо да реши коя държава иска да колонизира във всеки конкретен момент. Това, разбира се, е подвижен празник, защото, както обясни Чърчил, НАТО няма постоянни приятели, а само постоянни интереси. Тези интереси мотивират НАТО да се насочи към страни като Нигерия или Ирак, които са богати на ресурси, или други, като Ирландия, Сърбия или Естония, които биха могли да предоставят географски или политически лостове за влияние във всеки един момент.

След като е избрал своята жертва, точно както паразитът става незаменим за своя гостоприемник, така и НАТО трябва да направи плячката си зависима от него за оцеляване. Тъй като това се прави най-добре чрез контролиране на приходите от износ на плячката, НАТО трябва да направи тези приходи зависими от това, което списание The Economist на НАТО нарича свободна търговия, основан на правилата на НАТО ред, при който домакинът може да изнася само при условията на НАТО и във валута по избор на НАТО, сега почти неизменно доларът на янките .

По този начин, след като британците създадоха своята марионетна Ирландска свободна държава през 1922 г., петата колона на Великобритания все още контролираше говеждото, банковото, бисквитената и бирената индустрия в Ирландия. Точно както този режим не беше в позиция да предизвика своя неоколониален господар, така също всички богати на ресурси латиноамерикански и африкански държави в орбитата на НАТО не бяха в позиция да предизвикат своите господари, независимо дали Франция плячкосваше Йемен, Съединените щати плячкосваха Ирак и Сирия или Европейският съюз използват Украйна като център за пране на пари и трафик на бели робини.

Във все по-малко вероятния случай, че Ирландия, Нигерия, Украйна или където и да било другаде биха могли, подобно на Сирия, да произведат ръководни кадри, способни да предизвикат НАТО, те пак ще трябва да се борят с факта, че НАТО контролира приходите от износ, вътрешните си инвестиции и данъците . Това може да се види най-ясно в Ирландия, която е колонизирана от американските компании от Силициевата долина, чиито служители плащат по-голямата част от данъка върху доходите на Ирландия и чиито най-ниски нужди поддържат ескорт бизнеса в Ирландия booming. If America were to pull the plug on Ireland being its EU hub, then the Irish economy would suffer a meltdown. If readers wonder why countries like Ireland, Britain and Ukraine have such inept leaders, it is because they are selected to serve NATO’s interests, Silicon Valley’s interests, rather than that of their own peoples. Thus, when one today speaks of the permanent government, one must not speak so much about the civil service but of those NATO aligned companies, who call the shots behind the scenes.

The politicians and other peoples of interest in those target companies are controlled by massive NATO bribes. Take, for example, NATO’s proposed reconstruction of Ukraine, where the Irish regime has promised to rebuild Ukraine’s Rivne Oblast. Crucially, however, what that means is massive contracts for CRH, Ireland’s huge builder suppliers’ company, which has been a byword in massive corruption since almost the foundation of the Irish Free State. If any patriotic Ukrainians with no political connections to the rotten Zelensky junta think there is anything for them in that promise, they are in dreamland as bribery does not work that way.

American billionaires Chuck Feeney and former Nazi collaborator George Soros have been major conduits for sending billions in bribe money into Ireland. Feeney’s billions were particularly instrumental in buying off for the CIA the leaders of the IRA’s Sinn Fйin party, whose key leaders have been shown to be on Soros’ payroll. Because Fine Gael, Ireland’s major conservative party, was colonized as long ago as the early 1970s with the promotion to international stardom of Goldman Sachs bigwig Peter Sutherland, Ireland’s corrupt leaders are now fully on board with Team NATO. The Irish Labour Party, founded by the legendary anti imperialist James Connolly, is now headed by trust fund babe and rabid Russophobe Ivana Bacik, whose grandfather ran four massive factories in Czechoslovakia for Hitler’s Waffen SS and the Irish Green Party, like Green Parties elsewhere, has never seen an environmental friendly NATO war it did not unconditionally support.

The key thing to remember about all such politicians is that, irrespective of what French or Italian tailors they use, they are just NATO’s maidservants, just as are the khaki loving Zelensky or the British gangsters who ran India through the East India Company for 200 years and those NATO aligned gangster families who have been raping Kurdish held Iraq since the First Gulf War. Indeed, with regard to Iraq, isn’t it incredible that Kurdish held Iraq, which is so rich in oil, is one of the main sources of illegal immigrants to the EU, that NATO, with all its talk of nation building, democracy and trans pride parades, treats its Kurdish killers so brutally? And, if the ordinary Kurds get such a raw deal, can you imagine how Iraq’s Mandaeans, Yezidi, Syriacs and Chaldeans are faring as NATO rapes their homeland around the clock? And, can you imagine how Crimea would have fared had it not been reunited with its Russian motherland just when Pussy Riot were desecrating its churches and Shell and ExxonMobil, who are at the heart of the Ukrainian crisis, began drilling for oil there?

Bribery, then, has been a most useful tool and not only for the Romans, who famously got their hands on Jesus for a fist full of shekels. NATO has successfully played that Judas card time and again because it knows that most of those in the middle can be bullied, bought or bribed to help undermine those who resist Empire.

NATO does, alas, have to deal with the slow learners, those who rule places like Iran, Syria and Russia who don’t want to sell their souls for penny rolls and streaks of hairy bacon. And, though NATO fears such folk might be the kindling to start wider fires of resistance, if they can be deprived of oxygen, then NATO can carry on regardless. As long as civilians can be kept on life support with bread and virtual circuses, NATO’s pilfering continues.

That is where mass propaganda, charities, NGOs and D listers like Greta Thunberg and Zelensky come in for, once the populace can be kept idle, slothful and indifferent, all will be well. It is important to say, in this regard, that folk could not be more wrong when they assert that things would improve if Americans knew what their armies were up to with little Iraqi and little Afghani girls and boys. The fact of the matter is the general public not only do not care but have never cared. American Sniper, Black Hawk Down and Rambo are the pinnacle of their understanding. More Parisians turned out on the streets of Paris after France won the World Cup than when De Gaulle entered it on its 1944 liberation.

When the sexually ambivalent Roderic O’Gorman became Minister for Children in the current Irish government, he immediately declared his top priority was to expedite sex change operations at England’s now totally disgraced and discredited Tavistock Clinic for those Irish children he claimed were born in the wrong sex. O’Gorman will never be held to account for castrating those hundreds of Irish children because the American pharmaceutical companies, who are at the heart of the Irish economy, will ensure he survives to blight not only the political landscape but thousands of vulnerable children for years to come; their profits depend on it. For any Irish person wishing to defy this very sinister overlord, they will find, just as any Briton trying to defy Tony Blair will find, that there are vast networks of fake NGOs and charities on NATO’s payroll supporting him and that these are usually sufficient to see off any challenge that might arise.

And, if not, NATO always has as Smedley Butler, the Fighting Quaker, explained in War is a Racket, recourse to brute force and enforcers like Butler to obliterate those who might dare resist. When we look at resistance in Azerbaijan, Nigeria, Saigon, Santiago, Warsaw or Belfast, we must always factor in The Cry of the Morning, NATO’s proxies dispatching Assange, Lumumba, King (who had been protesting against Coca Cola the day they executed him), Saro-Wiwa, Darya Dugina,. Daphne Caruana Galizia and so many hundreds of thousands more, the list of NATO’s victims never ends.

And nor does the diagnosis. Or indeed the prognosis, where we can see, in the broadest of brush strokes, what must be done and what must be undone to unloosen NATO’s death grasp. Although the two sided sword of foreign help is needed, NATO’s World Economic Forum minions are busily draining the swamp under their Green banner, building their one dimensional New Jerusalem, even as their Eternal Rome disintegrates in front of them. As can be seen with the fascistic crushing of independently minded Canadian truckers and the last of the Dutch, German and Italian farmers, Oliver Goldsmith’s truism that “a bold peasantry, their country’s pride,. when once destroyed, can never be supplied”, especially if Klaus Schwab’s dystopian Brave New World is to be realized.

This is not to abandon all hope but to acknowledge realities, the lie of the land. NATO’s leaders and those who serve them are no different from the Famine Queens, the Caesars and the oligarchs of bygone ages, who sent little English children up chimneys and down coal mines. They believe that we exist purely on their sufferance and, to the extent that we buy into their scam, they have a point.

But only a point as this dialectic between right and wrong, truth and falsehoods will never end. Good souls like Julian Assange continue to fight the good fight in the direst of circumstances and, in these days of ignorant and ill-informed Russophobia, we might turn to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, to Austerlitz, Napoleon’s greatest triumph, where Field Marshal Kutuzov observes how wars turn on a dime, on the actions of solitary individuals and Prince Andrey, staring up into the face of Napoleon, reflects on the nothingness of greatness.

И така, ние, кротките, наистина ще наследим земята, когато достатъчно от нас положат раменете си, за да изритат НАТО от техния пиедастал, тъй като тази битка не може да завърши по никакъв друг начин, освен с победените хищници и техните жертви да могат да кажат , по думите на стария духовен негър на Мартин Лутър Кинг , най-сетне свободен, най-сетне свободен, слава Всемогъщия Бог, най-накрая съм свободен., свободен, като Джулиан Асандж, който, макар и окован в един от най-известните затвори на НАТО, все още е без сърце и съвест .


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