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12.01.2023 16:49 - Ще бъде ли 2023 г. по-лоша от 2022 г.?
Автор: zahariada Категория: Политика   
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Последна промяна: 12.01.2023 16:50

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 Ще бъде ли 2023 г. по-лоша от 2022 г.?

Готов ли е Джо Байдън да унищожи света, за да „отслаби Русия“? ФИЛИП ДЖИРАЛДИ • 10 ЯНУАРИ 2023 Г • 


Въпреки че човек е свикнал да вижда как правителството на Съединените щати се държи нерационално в епичен мащаб, без да се интересува какво се случва с обикновения гражданин, който не е член на някой от фрийк шоу избирателните райони на Демократическата партия, все още е възможно да бъдете изненадани или дори шокирани. Малко преди края на 2022 г. статия се появи в основните медии и беше доста широко разпространена. Заглавието, под което беше представено в оригиналната версия на Business Insider , гласеше „Ядрена атака най-вероятно ще бъде насочена към един от тези 6 американски града, но експерт казва, че нито един от тях не е подготвен“. Градовете бяха Ню Йорк, Вашингтон, Лос Анджелис, Чикаго, Хюстън и Сан Франциско.

Статията се стреми да предостави информация и съвети, които биха позволили на човек да оцелее при ядрена атака, повтаряйки коментари от няколко „експерти“ по управление на извънредни ситуации и „обществено здраве“, които предполагат, че ядрената война би била катастрофална, но не непременно края на света. Човек трябва да бъде подготвен. В него се отбелязва, че „тези градове ще се затруднят да предоставят спешни услуги на ранените. Градовете също така вече нямат определени убежища за защита на хората от радиация. Пълен е с мъдри съвети и нестандартни наблюдения, включително „Можете ли да си представите държавен служител да пази сградите непокътнати за убежища, когато пазарът на недвижими имоти е толкова стегнат?“ Или още по-добре съветът от „ръководството за планиране на ядрена детонация“ на Федералната агенция за управление на извънредни ситуации (FEMA), че за обикновените граждани в град, който е бил бомбардиран: „Влезте вътре, останете вътре и останете на линия.“ Д-р Рон Полпита „Те луди ли са? Те се държат така, сякаш ядрена атака срещу Съединените щати е просто още едно неудобство за планиране, като ледена буря или ураган.

В статията се твърди, че шестте града ще бъдат основни цели, тъй като са центрове за жизненоважна инфраструктура. Бомбените експлозии биха убили стотици хиляди или дори милиони американци, като последват много повече смъртни случаи от радиационно отравяне, но статията не прави опит да обясни защо Русия, със сравнително здраво ръководство, би искала да започне ядрена война, която потенциално би унищожи планетата. Освен това списъкът за насочване на градовете, предоставен от „експертите“, сам по себе си е малко странен. Със сигурност Русия ще атакува военни и правителствени цели като първи приоритет, за да ограничи възможното отмъщение, като същевременно осакати способността на Белия дом и Пентагона да командват и контролират ситуацията.

Четейки статията, човек си припомня ранните години на Студената война, които се опитваха да уверят обществеността, че ядрената война по някакъв начин е управляема. Беше време, когато ние, децата от началното училище, бяхме обучавани да се крием под бюрата си, когато се включи алармата за въздушно нападение. По това време Херман Кан беше най-известният защитник на школата на мисълта, че Съединените щати могат да оцелеят в „немислимото“, т.е. ядрена война. Американски физик по образование, Кан стана член-основател на отвъдния неоконсерваториален националистически институт Хъдсън , който за съжаление все още съществува. Кан, който е служил в американската армия по време на Втората световна война като небоен телефонен оператор, започва кариера като военен стратег в RAND Corporation. Кан одобри политиката на възпиране и твърди, че ако Съветският съюз вярва, че Съединените щати имат опустошителен капацитет за втори удар, тогава Москва няма да започне враждебни действия, което той обяснява в своя документ, озаглавен „Природата и осъществимостта на войната и възпирането“. Руснаците трябваше да повярват, че дори перфектно координирана масивна атака ще гарантира мярка за отмъщение, която също ще ги остави опустошени. Кан също изложи идеята си за „спечелив“ ядрен обмен в книгата си от 1960 г. „ За термоядрената война “, за която често е цитиран като един от вдъхновенията за главния герой на класическия филм на Стенли Кубрик „ Д-р Стрейнджлав “ .

Появата на статия в Business Insider , която се занимава с хладна дискусия за оцеляването след ядрена война, предполага, че лудите отново бягат от психиатричната болница тук в САЩ и получават висши постове в правителството и медиите. Докато човек продължава да се надява, че някак си някой ще се събуди в Белия дом и ще разбере, че дълбоката тъмна дупка, в която се намираме ние, американският народ, налага промяна на курса и истинско нулиране, в тъмнината се вижда малко дневна светлина.

Моята особена загриженост е свързана със заплетените отношения, които държат страната ни постоянно във война, въпреки факта, че след края на Студената война през 1991 г. нито един потенциален противник не е заплашил Съединените щати. Сега федералното правителство изглежда се занимава с култивиране на опасни взаимоотношения, за да оправдае разходите за отбрана и да постави нацията на ръба на това, което може да се окаже катастрофално. Настоящата мисия на САЩ да „отслаби Русия“ и в крайна сметка също и Китай, за да поддържа собствения си „международен ред, основан на правила“, включва такива лицемерни и напълно незаконни според международното право аномалии като продължаващата военна окупацияна част от Сирия, за да откаже достъпа на лидерите на тази страна до техните петролни находища и най-добрата земеделска земя. Скорошно разследване на хуманитарната агенция на ООН установи, че сирийският народ страда и дори гладува в резултат на това и САЩ наложиха санкции, които администрацията на Байдън поддържа против всякакъв разум и хуманност.

В момента обаче най-заплетените от всички отношения, дори повече отколкото с Израел, трябва да бъде ангажирането на САЩ в прокси войната, която се води срещу Русия от името на Украйна, което е точно това, което заплашва да се превърне в ядрено, ако някой мига в неподходящ момент. Милиарди долари пряка помощ, както и още милиарди под формата на оръжия, извадени от арсенали в Европа и САЩ, бяха дадени на корумпирания режим на президента Володимир Зеленски, докато Зеленски продължава да работи усърдно, за да издои ситуацията и да въвлече Вашингтон в по-дълбока война, пряко изправена пред Москва.

Всъщност, според някои изчисления, войната вече е започнала, като САЩ и техните съюзници явно са решени да осакатят руската икономика, като същевременно се отърват от президента Владимир Путин. 101 -ви въздушнодесантен вече е разположен в Румъния до Украйна, за да „предупреди“ Кремъл, докато Пентагонът наскоро призна, че някои американски военни вече са в Украйна, противно на опроверженията от страна на говорителите на Белия дом. Британците също така разкриха, че част от елитния им персонал от специалните операции е на място. И има съобщения, че още американски войници скоро ще бъдат на път, уж за „проследяване на оръжията“, предоставени на Зеленски, което ще включва произведени в САЩ батерии за ракети Patriotнякои от които може дори да бъдат поставени в членката на НАТО Полша, за да осигурят въздушно прикритие над Западна Украйна, категоричен акт на война, както се вижда от Русия, която предупреди, че подобен ход би означавал, че САЩ и техните съюзници „ефективно са се превърнали в страна ” към войната в Украйна и ще има „последици”. „Последствия“ означава ескалация.

Мисията на войниците „следотърсачи“ може да е в отговор на съобщения, че оръжия, предоставени от НАТО, са били неправомерно продадени или предоставени на трети страни от украинците. Няколко инициативи на САЩ, взети заедно, биха могли да доведат до бърза ескалация на конфликта, заедно с мъртви американци, които се прибират у дома в чували за трупове и неизбежно пряко участие на САЩ в бойни роли, които могат да доведат навсякъде, но в този момент руснаците са тези, които действат сдържано като не се насочва към „съветниците“ на НАТО и САЩ, които вече са активни в Украйна.

Нараства и подозрението, че Съединените щати са дали „зелена светлина“предварително неотдавнашни атаки с крилати ракети, извършени от Украйна срещу военни цели дълбоко в Русия. След атаките Белият дом обяви, че Украйна има „разрешение“ да атакува Русия и на практика призна на неуравновесения Зеленски правото да взема всички решения и да управлява войната, която САЩ до голяма степен финансира, което е формула за катастрофа . Вече е известно, че Украйна получава разузнавателна информация от най-високо ниво, предоставена както от САЩ, така и от други държави от НАТО. Прецизните атаки срещу Русия предполагат, че украинската армия е получила координатите на възможните активни цели, нещо, което САЩ биха могли да осигурят, но което би било извън възможностите на Украйна, която не притежава възможности за сателитно наблюдение.

Разбира се, някои идиоти във Вашингтон, предимно от сорта на неоконсерваторите, продължават да виждат войната срещу Русия като нещо като кръстоносен поход за световна свобода. Рик Нюман, водещият финансов колумнист на Yahoo, отбелязва как „бюджетните ястреби в Конгреса се притесняват от удовлетворяването на искането на президента Байдън за допълнителни 38 милиарда долара помощ за Украйна , за да помогне за победата над нахлуващите руснаци“. Той заключава: „Те са прави. Тридесет и осем милиарда не са достатъчни. Направете го 50 милиарда долара. Или дори 100 милиарда долара. Колкото повече, толкова по-добре, докато работата свърши.“

Очевидно войнственият Рик не разбира напълно, че Русия е дала ясно да се разбере, че ако е на път да бъде победена от форсмажорни обстоятелства , ще стане ядрена. И Конгресът, и Белият дом изглежда също не го разбират, тъй като и Републиканската, и Демократическата партия забравят за истинската опасност, пред която е изправен американският народ. Ядрена война? Сигурен! Просто се скрийте в мазето си, ако имате такова, и се настройте.

Филип М. Джиралди, доктор по философия, е изпълнителен директор на Съвета за национални интереси, 501(c)3 образователна фондация, приспадаща се от данъци (федерален идентификационен номер #52-1739023), която се стреми към по-базирана на интереси външна политика на САЩ в Близкия изток. Уебсайтът е Councilforthenationalinterest.org, адресът е PO Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134, а имейлът му е inform@cnionline.org .

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  1. Carlton Meyer says: • Website January 10, 2023 at 5:13 am GMT • 2.1 days ago   ↑

    I noted years ago that “Business Insider” is a CIA/Mossad propaganda front, obvious by its odd “reporting.”

    • Agree: kit walker, GMC • Replies: @Doug Ryler@Joe Wong@Ummmpph!@Shamu@cohen REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  2. emerging majority says: January 10, 2023 at 5:18 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 200 Words   ↑

    Fronted by the Wagner group, Russian forces appear to have completely surrounded the city of Soledar. Remnants of the Ukie army who did not manage to escape the cauldron may now be bottled up in a huge underground salt mine.

    Meanwhile less than 20 miles away the other key to the Ukrainian occupation of Donbass, the city of Bakhmut, will, at present developments likely be surrounded and in the bag within a week. The loss of those cities will reverberate down through the rest of the Donbass agglomeration of cities and urban satellites and shake the entire front.

    The Neocons and the Department of $tate, both elements of the Talmudist world domination scheme are becoming extremely nervous. Between the CIA and the Pentagon there may be some cooler heads who full well understand that if the U$$A resorts to a nuclear first-strike, the Russian response would oblige most Americans, particularly those in major metros to kiss their kiesters goodby.

    Let us all pray to whatever deity or force of spiritual power to which we adhere. May the cooler heads prevail. What we face is not some Hollywood extravaganza. It’s REAL.

    • Agree: CSFurious, Joe Levantine • Thanks: kit walker • Replies: @Anonymous@Odyssey@Commentator Mike@Wizard of Oz REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  3. The Germ Theory of Disease says: January 10, 2023 at 5:41 am GMT • 2.1 days ago   ↑

    “Will 2023 be worse than 2022”?

    Well that one’s easy.


    • Agree: YetAnotherAnon, Old and Grumpy, HallParvey, Voltarde, HbutnotG • LOL: Sean • Replies: @Yukon Jack REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  4. Zachary Smith says: January 10, 2023 at 5:52 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 300 Words   ↑

    I share Mr. Girardi’s concerns about articles telling how “survivable” a nuclear war might be. Two clueless young women feature as their main interview subject a Pollyannaish “specialist” who may have read some upbeat survivalist books.

    Suspicion is also growing that the United States “green-lighted” in advance recent cruise missile attacks carried out by Ukraine against military targets deep inside Russia.

    It’s my personal fear that the situation was far worse than “giving permission” to Ukraine.

    “Somebody” rebuilt the antique jet drones, fitting them with the latest in guidance technology. Air Forces try to avoid radar stations when making intrusions, and until I learn otherwise I’m going to say that satellite images were manipulated by giant computers to allow the Ukrainian drones to locate and fly very low through paths of subtle ground radar shadows in order to avoid being detected during most or all of the flight. In each case news reports say the drones made it all the way to the targets, where point defenses destroyed them.

    The Russians obviously need to take a close look at such vulnerabilities of all their important targets, or they might be caught with their pants down from attacks by far more destructive weapons. High towers? Drone-mounted AWACS? Or just a few more radar stations.

    Repeating what I’ve said previously, our Zionist Overlords are directing a feeble old warmonger to keep cranking things up. Given the incredible stakes, this is an unimaginably dangerous game.

    Nothing in the way of conventional weapons is going to turn the situation around in Ukraine. Not if we send them every Bradley Fighing Vehicle we have. Every Patriot Missile we have. The former is just another way to quickly kill Ukrainian soldiers. NATO is either going nuclear or it isn’t. It’s another fear of mine they’re crazy enough to think they can get away with it.

    Hopefully the Russians will have had the time to compose a suitable reply which doesn’t include ICBMs.

    • Agree: nokangaroos • Replies: @Tom Welsh@BL@HallParvey REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  5. SafeNow says: January 10, 2023 at 6:14 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    John Fowles wrote that men love war because it allows them to look serious; because, men think, it is the one thing that stops women from laughing at them. So that’s it? The “biological imperative” at work? This does seem to be the American psychosis. The Gunfight at the OK Corral, and on and on. Even the New York Post and Wall Street Journal editorial boards have it. This will be the end of us, because as psychologists secretly know, people don’t change.

  6. Anonymous[375] • Disclaimer says: January 10, 2023 at 6:17 am GMT • 2.1 days ago   ↑ @emerging majority

    Nice to see limey and Polack mercs getting aerosolized in Soledar by Russian forces.
    They image image gave their lives for Globohomo. 🫡 image

  7. Yukon Jack says: January 10, 2023 at 6:19 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 600 Words   ↑


    In nuclear war, targets are prioritized. The first targets to hit are the military bases, submarines, airfields, from where the enemy can stage a counter attack. If you do not take out the enemies strategic bombers, ICBMs, and subs then your goose is cooked.

    There is this theory that Russia detonates a tsunami bomb off the east coast, and the tidal wave takes out the east coast cities and harbors, thus Amerika’s ability to wage war from the east coast is nullified. Since this requires only one bomb, Russia’s nuclear arsenal would still be intact, but the nations military industrial infrastructure decapitated.

    Russia does not have a problem with the average Amerikan slave, they have a problem with the warmongers in DC. A tsunami bomb on the east coast, which has shallow terrain inland, would solve Russia’s problem with us.


    Mitchell Henderson, a regular on Jeff Rense radio, says Russia will choose to attack us on their schedule, it will not be announced, when you least expect it, and it will be a full all out attack, and nothing will be spared. (You can listen to any of the interviews by going to rense.com, and scrolling down the left side until you find the interview postings.)

    If even one major city was hit with a nuke it would be catastrophic for the world. If NYC was hit all the big banks would fail, and Wall Street would be gone, the New York Stock exchange would be gone, and all the derivatives and debts would blow up. The capitalist system would be gone.

    If DC was hit then the Federal Reserve would be gone along with the value of the paper notes in your pocket. The economic devastation of a nuclear attack on any major financial hub would make the 1929 crash seem like a picnic. But if Putin really wanted to take out the west, and the Jew bankers, and end them for good, then he should hit all the major banking centers like the City of London, and NYC, which would also end the Masonic control of the world.

    If Putin wants to end the Zionists, (who are also the Neocons) then he needs to take out London and Rothschild, Tel Aviv, NYC, and D.C. Those cities are the real axis of evil in the world.

    Trump said what good are nuclear weapons if you can’t use them? I think Israel is using them, like the harbor in Beirut. Small nuclear weapons can be used so long as you provide a good cover story like Ammonium Nitrate, or in the case of 9-11-2001 Arab terrorists and airplanes.

    Video Link

    Then we have the Samson Option, and Israel’s potential ability to black mail the world with hidden nuclear bombs in major cities. So the Mossad could detonate a bomb in NYC, blame Russia, so Amerika and Russia would go at it destroying themselves leaving Israel victorious and paving the way for the end times Jew World Order and Greater Israel.

    “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.
    —Netanyahu, the prime minister of “Israel” to Jonathan Pollard upon exiting Pollard’s jail cell.

    And what Bibi wants, Bibi gets.

    So Phil, I second your notion, 2023 could be much worse.

    • Agree: Olivier1973 • Thanks: Joe Levantine, Tsar Nicholas • Replies: @Tucker@Z-man@Notsofast@Paul Greenwood@littlewing@Reginald Elings REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  8. MandrakesIceCream says: January 10, 2023 at 6:23 am GMT • 2.1 days ago   ↑

    “That’s right, sir, you are the only person authorized to do so. And although I, uh, hate to judge before all the facts are in, it’s beginning to look like, uh, General Ripper exceeded his authority.” —General “Buck” Turgidson

  9. chris says: January 10, 2023 at 6:30 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    Apparently, the bellicose Rick does not quite get that Russia has made clear that if it is about to be defeated by force majeure it will go nuclear. And Congress and the White House don’t seem to get it either, with both the Republican and Democratic parties oblivious to the real danger that confronts the American people. Nuclear war? Sure! Just hide in your basement, if you have one, and tune in.

    The insane bellicosity trumpeted by all the DC and media partisans is so out of control that it seems like a well orchestrated diversionary tactic. The obvious (out of the limelight) focus being the final solution of the Palestinians.

    I don’t see anything else that could better explain the perfectly choreographed insanity of the West.

  10. Johnny LeBlanc says: January 10, 2023 at 6:41 am GMT • 2.0 days ago   ↑

    The Jews in the State Department are gonna kill us all.

  11. Odyssey says: January 10, 2023 at 6:49 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @emerging majority

    Bahmut (i.e. Artemovsk) was the capital of Slaveno-Serbia, one of the two areas founded by settled Serbs in 1750. The second area was New Serbia. The Serbs had separate military units and commanders and defended Russia against the Turks. They produced several generals of the imperial army who distinguished themselves in the battles against Napoleon. There are perhaps more than a million of their descendants today. They were assimilated throughout history and now probably fight on both sides of the war. However, most of them for 8 years have been fighting as part of the Donbas Army against the Ukronazi Army.

  12. Jesuitic Ziowahhabiz says: January 10, 2023 at 7:09 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    Weaken Russia? You mean the noose’s getting tightened around the taxcattle’s neck. The US-led terrorists and RU/China may go to war, but, as usual thruout history, any price in treasure and blood will by paid by people, though some will do so happily because they see Putin, Xi, Trump, etc., as some sort of saviors; clueless thick-skulled partisans and cultists aren’t scarce among the cannon fodder stock.

    War here and there sounds like great accompaniment to the Plandemic, Inc. LLC joint venture, in which US-led bloc and the RU/China bloc are equal stakeholders, killing many birds with all kinds of shots as geopolitics is Great-Reset-ed to “multipolarity”.

  13. Derer says: January 10, 2023 at 7:10 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    In 2023 finally Russians will comprehend what happened in 2014. The Anglo-Zionist zone committed horrendous international crime by removing the pro-Russian elected president of Ukraine. The Russian priority in Ukraine from the beginning should have been to remedy this despicable foreign interference that crossed the well communicated Russian red line (similar to Cuban red line), being the Ukrainian west border.

    Finally, in 2023 Russia will concentrate on removing the Anglo-Zionist puppet from Kiev by force. Restore the Christian parliament and Christian opposition parties as well as independent media. That would appear morally right to any sensible observer. This should have been done long time ago and many lives and destruction would have been spared. The Russian velvet approach is insane, you must go first after the regime leadership as it was done by Anglo-Zionist warmongers “successfully” in Iraq or Libya, they tried that in Syria as well by Russians stop them there.

  14. JasonT says: January 10, 2023 at 7:11 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑


    Joe Biden cannot remember whether he crapped in the toilet or his pants this morning. Either call out the real powers behind this or shut up. And if you don’t know who is behind this then you are useless. Nothing you say is unknown to any one who can read.

    • Agree: A. Clifton • Disagree: Tom Welsh • Thanks: Realist, TheMoon • LOL: Reverend Goody • Replies: @Z-man REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  15. Brosi says: January 10, 2023 at 7:12 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    The US cannot stop the Zircon missiles and Russian nuclear submarines could be anywhere off of either coast, Russia has active and effective ABM systems protecting her cities.

    It looks to me like the Russians ended up with the best German scientists after the Allies raped and murdered all of Germany in 1945. Both sides stripped out industrial plant and enslaved German scientists and engineers under threat of execution for their “crimes”, but by all appearances the Russians got the better ones.

    Just consider the Space program. Even with Werner von Braun, All the US could give the planet was fake moon landings.

    Or consider fighter jets. Russia stole the better Aerospace technology and plant from Germany.

  16. Kurt Knispel says: January 10, 2023 at 7:29 am GMT • 2.0 days ago   ↑

    Pain is a changer:
    Priests & politicians & guards and their families must get to feel war personally.
    Call it asymmetrical warfare or not. There are countless possibilities to bring personal war to Jerusalem, Vatican, London, New York and Washington DC.

  17. GomezAdddams says: January 10, 2023 at 7:44 am GMT • 2.0 days ago   ↑

    Canada will send its 2,000 Latvian troops nito combat tomorrow—this will help Zelenskyy and Soros to victory.

  18. Anon[249] • Disclaimer says: January 10, 2023 at 8:31 am GMT • 2.0 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    ….repeating commentary from several “experts” in emergency management and “public health” suggesting that a nuclear war would be catastrophic but not necessarily the end of the world……

    Cue that great scene from Dr. Strangelove where the Air Force General presents his war options to the President “20 million dead tops, depending on the breaks”


  19. Commentator Mike says: January 10, 2023 at 8:35 am GMT • 2.0 days ago   ↑ @emerging majority

    It looks like Wagner is getting a lot of experience. Maybe it will be useful when they deploy in Africa and elsewhere.

  20. Badger Down says: January 10, 2023 at 8:48 am GMT • 2.0 days ago   ↑

    The calculation needs to include tens of thousands of people blinded by the flash, deafened by the shockwave, and blasted with glass splinters large and small. You don’t just crawl out from under your table and start digging potatoes.

  21. Tucker says: January 10, 2023 at 9:46 am GMT • 1.9 days ago • 200 Words   ↑ @Yukon Jack

    “Trump said what good are nuclear weapons if you can’t use them?”

    I’d like to know where in the hell you found proof that Trump made this kind of mentally insane comment. I have a lot of criticisms of Trump, but the one thing that I have seen from him that has been consistent ever since he decided to get involved in politics is his often stated opposition to these endless, illegal, unnecessary, and belligerent wars that the jewish neocons and their treasonous gentile accomplices have been lying America into for the last 20 or more years.

    Trump has repeatedly criticized Biden and for his recklessness and dangerously provocative meddling in the Ukraine and has warned that this dementia ridden psychopath could wind up igniting a World War 3 that would involve use of nuclear weapons that could destroy life on this entire planet.

    That comment sounds to me like something that would come out of the mouth of someone like Max Boot or John Bolton or Madeline Albright.

    Provide proof that Trump ever mouthed such an irresponsible, lackadaisical and clearly psychopathic, unhinged statement like that – or else you owe the guy an apology.

    Oh, and just to be clear. I have been a hard core critic of Trump and have not hesitated to rip him a new one when he deserves it. But, claiming Trump is somehow pro-Nuclear War and Nuclear Armageddon sounds like you’ve got a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    • Agree: Tom Welsh, Son of a Jedi • Replies: @Greta Handel@grr@grr@Yukon Jack@HallParvey@anon@Joe Levantine@Phineas REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  22. Priss Factor says: January 10, 2023 at 10:15 am GMT • 1.9 days ago   ↑

    If NY is gonna get nuked, I want WWIII.

  23. peter mcloughlin says: January 10, 2023 at 10:44 am GMT • 1.9 days ago   ↑

    The pattern of history says world war is coming, perhaps not this year – but soon enough. Every empire eventually gets the war it is trying to avoid: it will delude itself conflict can be averted, limited in scale or most dangerous of all – won.

  24. YetAnotherAnon says: January 10, 2023 at 10:54 am GMT • 1.9 days ago   ↑ @Kurt Knispel

    “Priests & politicians & guards and their families must get to feel war personally. Call it asymmetrical warfare or not. There are countless possibilities to bring personal war to Jerusalem, Vatican…”

    Erm… how many divisions did you say the Pope has?

  25. Ray Caruso says: January 10, 2023 at 10:56 am GMT • 1.9 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    Joe Biden does not have a will of his own, except as far as eating ice cream, taking a nap, and spending some quality time sitting on the commode. If his (((owners))), who installed his senile ass in the lofty position it occupies, tell him to start a nuclear war with Russia or China, he will do it.

    • Agree: Kolya Krassotkin • Replies: @Kolya Krassotkin@GMC REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  26. Tom Welsh says: January 10, 2023 at 11:05 am GMT • 1.9 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    “Can you imagine a public official keeping buildings intact for fallout shelters when the real-estate market is so tight?”

    A perfect single-sentence explanation of what is wrong with the US social, financial, and government systems.

    Can you imagine a large and powerful nation that cannot even take the first step toward protecting its citizens from the risk of utter destruction – because of some imaginary “market conditions”?

    If Americans cherish “the market” more than their lives and liberty, they must suffer the consequences.

  27. grr says: January 10, 2023 at 11:13 am GMT • 1.9 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    All this media hype of US cities coming under nuke attacks are just US projecting their aims.
    The US, and the UK, are the criminally inclined entities with form when it comes to bombing cities in to oblivion.

    Russia and China will nuke, or use conventional missiles and bombs, on military targets only. They will not obliterate a city as punishment or to just prove a point. Unless they have it done to them first.

    The Germans refrained from bombing civilian centres in England, but Churchill kept bombing German cities and finally the Luftwaffe retaliated – as Churchill wanted.

  28. Greta Handel says: January 10, 2023 at 11:14 am GMT • 1.9 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @Tucker

    Awaiting Yukon Jack’s reply, I just spent a couple minutes researching the purported Trump statement.

    It appears to have first been reported, citing an anonymous source who claimed to have briefed Trump, by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough during the 2016 election campaign, and then typically amplified by other Establishment media.

    Why? To scare people away from voting for him. That was then, Ukraine and Taiwan are now. (Remember Kamala Harris questioning the hastiness of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed during the 2020 “debates”?)

    So Tucker’s apparently fallen for a stale lie. But the larger truth is that none of these Red+Blue people — including Trump — or their stenographer “journalists” will hesitate to say or suppress anything if it helps them obtain or maintain power. Shamelessly unprincipled hypocrites who couldn’t care less about the sheep voting for more of the same.

  29. Tom Welsh says: January 10, 2023 at 11:23 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 200 Words   ↑

    “Billions of dollars in direct aid as well as billions more in the form of weapons stripped from arsenals in Europe and the US have been given to the corrupt regime of President Volodymyr Zelensky while Zelensky continues to work assiduously to milk the situation and draw Washington into a deeper war directly confronting Moscow”.

    This kind of language will never let you understand what is really going on. “Europe”, “the US[A]”, “Washington”, “Moscow”, etc. are all high-level abstractions with very little meaning in the context of such discussions.

    The reality is that many individual human beings are pursuing what they consider to be their own interests, both severally and jointly, directly and indirectly. So many individuals have been betraying their own countries and citizens for so long that it is hardly noticeable any more. Arguably it first plumbed the depths in Washington DC where, as many astute observers have pointed out, literally everything is for sale at a price. It’s not a capital city or a government as much as a simple market.

    References to “the corrupt regime of President Volodymyr Zelensky” should be expanded to make it clear that the Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, etc. regimes are every bit as corrupt as that which squats so profitably in Kiev. The American, British, French, German, Italian and Ukrainian peoples don’t come into the picture at all – except perhaps as useful tools.

  30. anon[152] • Disclaimer says: January 10, 2023 at 11:26 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    In the meantime the “Ukraine war” has taken the covid document dumps off the front pages. How CONVENIENT. Millions of lives ruined but we should worry about whether or not Zelensky is upset. Please. On a brighter note, financial insolvency and famine are on the horizen. To paraphrase a vietnam era song, and its one two three… wait a minute…what ARE we fighting for?

  31. grr says: January 10, 2023 at 11:27 am GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @Tucker

    “…last 20 or more years..” More. Much more.

  32. nickels says: January 10, 2023 at 11:31 am GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑

    Iron rule of history- loose your country to psychotic jews and psychotic ideologies and see your cities laid waste to rubble.

  33. Tom Welsh says: January 10, 2023 at 11:32 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @Zachary Smith

    All of this helps Russia to detect and plug the gaps in its defences. Meanwhile the USA benefits from no such process of immunisation.

    This is one of the ways in which the often misquoted remark of Nietzsche, “Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger” fits the bill precisely.

    I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if this whole topic was foreseen and planned for by the Russians long before the SMO began. There may not be many people left who actually lived through the Great Patriotic War, but wise societies remember vividly whatever touches on their survival. Immense losses were suffered, but in the end the USSR won – and emerged as the world’s leading military power.

    Because it had to.

  34. grr says: January 10, 2023 at 11:34 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @Tucker

    Well Tucker, I just did a quick search and there are many sources attributing that quote to Trump. He is reported to have said it in 2016.

    I’m not saying he said it, or didn’t say it; how could I know. And how could you?

    However he is reported as saying it.

    I reckon you owe Yukon Jack an apology.

  35. Hulkamania says: January 10, 2023 at 11:42 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    The American strategy against its enemies remains focused on economic war, so I don’t see any reason they would want to escalate to nuclear war. In the Ukraine, they want to maintain the fighting at relative stalemate in order to drain Russian resources. Economically, the American strategy now is to create a global economic depression (see fed rate hikes). They believe that China and Russia will be harmed more than the USA will be by this. It will also have the benefit of increasing unemployment, so that employers will have the upper hand against labor and they will be able to reduce wages.

    The USA is in the phase of its empire now that it cannot dominate its enemies outright, so instead it has chosen to inflict harm on everyone, including itself, with the expectation that the USA will come out in a relatively stronger position in the end.

    • Agree: Deep Thought • Replies: @Anonymous@Harold Smith REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  36. RoatanBill says: January 10, 2023 at 11:56 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    In the larger life of society, the people are made to submit to the orders of those who were originally meant to serve them – the government and its agents. Once you do that, the power you have delegated will be used against you and your interests every time. And then you complain that your leaders misuse their power. No, my friend, they don’t misuse it; they only use it, for it is the use of power, which is itself the worst misuse.
    Alexander Berkman

    Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
    H. L. Mencken

    You asked for what you got. By voluntarily lowering yourselves to the status of slaves by participating in electing your masters, why should you be treated any better than your own mind conceived?

  37. Wizard of Oz says: January 10, 2023 at 12:02 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @emerging majority

    If your first two paragraphs’ prognostications are not born out will you shut up and spare us garbage for a few months?

    • Troll: Olivier1973, emerging majority • Replies: @skrik REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  38. Subscribe to New Columns
  39. Chuck Orloski says: January 10, 2023 at 12:26 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑

    Thanks once again for another great and educational article.

    Below, one can listen to Senator Rand Paul on his opposition to ZUS financial aid to Ukraine.


  40. Marcali says: January 10, 2023 at 12:43 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    The Russian Question could have been solved quite easily in 1941, by leaving people to solve it for the US instead of doing this:

    “The first convoys with American goods were already being sent to the USSR by August 1941. Shortly afterwards the Germans found out about the convoy routes, and the allies suffered great losses. During the war Nazi submarines and torpedoes sank about 80 cargo ships destined for the USSR.
    More than 14,000 U.S. airplanes, 8,000 of which came from Alaska, were given to the Soviet Union in the course of the war.
    The USSR received a total of 44,000 American jeeps, 375,883 cargo trucks, 8,071 tractors and 12,700 tanks. Additionally, 1,541,590 blankets, 331,066 liters of alcohol, 15,417,000 pairs of army boots, 106,893 tons of cotton, 2,670,000 tons of petroleum products and 4,478,000 tons of food supplies made their way into the Soviet Union.”
    (Russia Beyond, March 14 2016)

  41. Greta Handel says: January 10, 2023 at 12:59 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @grr

    He is reported to have said it in 2016.

    Yep, see #29.

    Did you not see in any of that reportage the denial of Trump’s campaign spokesperson?

    I reckon you’re still waking up.

  42. Greta Handel says: January 10, 2023 at 1:06 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @Greta Handel

    Sorry, #28.

  43. Observator says: January 10, 2023 at 1:06 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 200 Words   ↑

    Great article and comments, lots of food for thought. Our leaders may be insane but they are not crazy. The media they control have over a century’s experience in narrative control. Distraction is a main objective, and deception is its tool. As Goering commented in enemy captivity, to ensure obedience tell your people they are in mortal danger from a ruthless foreign enemy. Our system is crumbling, strangled at every level by greed and corruption. Add to this both parties’ longtime policy of dividing us against one another; that has worked too well, so that we are again rapidly becoming ungovernable. FDR clearly provoked WWII in order to suppress widespread dissent and unite angry Depression-battered Americans behind a government that cared for nothing as much as global domination, then as now. Trump seems to have been the catalyst for this phase, which may have been why he was allowed to gain the presidency in the first place. The question is how clumsily State will play its hand and how skilfully Russia will separate policy from bluster. Those who howl for regime change in the RF would do well to remember that Putin and his All-Russia Party are the moderates.

  44. Anonymous[380] • Disclaimer says: January 10, 2023 at 1:08 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @Hulkamania

    You are right – capitalism has already died in America and left a stinking corpse. It needs to be replaced by a national socialism – like China is doing. A socialism will lift the American working class and sink those who inherited their money and positions – both very good things.

  45. grr says: January 10, 2023 at 1:17 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @Greta Handel

    Nah, fully awake. I just don’t believe anything until proven. From either side of the divide.

    As I said “….reported to have said…”.

    And reported means shit.

  46. Kolya Krassotkin says: January 10, 2023 at 1:23 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @Anonymous

    It’s hard enough to die for home, mom and apple pie, but you’ve got to be batcrap cazy to die for open borders, gay marriage and drag queen story hour.

    (In a post-apocalyptic US which of the now privileged groups will be targeted for reprisals first?)

  47. Robert Dolan says: January 10, 2023 at 1:25 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑

    The jews have lost their minds and they are having a temper tantrum because they are losing.

    Expect more pain.

  48. Kolya Krassotkin says: January 10, 2023 at 1:32 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @Ray Caruso

    Overlooking for the moment what an overwhelming tragedy it would be, can you get more burlesque than a man who can now barely wipe his own ass blowing up the planet?

  49. Tom Welsh says: January 10, 2023 at 1:32 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @SafeNow

    The Americans’ problem is that they have never been properly defeated in a serious war.

    That may change.

  50. Tom Welsh says: January 10, 2023 at 1:35 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @Kolya Krassotkin

    I take your point, but of course no one is dying for “open borders, gay marriage and drag queen story hour”.

    Whether they know it or not, they are dying to add to the colossal fortunes of the world’s wealthiest people, and to protect – in the view of those people – their privileges.

    Which is even worse.

    “Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity isn’t a sin, the victim can’t help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity”.

    – Lazarus Long, in “Time Enough for Love” (Robert A Heinlein)

    • Agree: Old and Grumpy, follyofwar • Replies: @Kolya Krassotkin@Harold Smith REPLYAGREE/DISAGREE/ETC. THIS COMMENTER THIS THREAD HIDE THREAD
  51. Height_776 says: January 10, 2023 at 1:38 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

    Russia will not be defeated in Ukraine. There will be no nuclear war… The beginning of a nuclear armageddon can only be given by a possible military attack by Israel and the United States against Iran.
    Herman Kahn. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.That explains a lot.

  52. Tom Welsh says: January 10, 2023 at 1:38 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words   ↑ @Anonymous

    I suspect the problem is one of mental rigidity. Classical capitalism may or may not have been a suitable system at certain times and places – all of them in the past now.

    It isn’t any longer. But those who profit from it will do everything in their power to maintain the illusion that it is “the best of all possible worlds”.

    Helped materially by the fact that 99% of economists and other academics are in their pay. (Obviously, Michael Hudson is prominent among the 1%).

  53. Darryl Ford says: January 10, 2023 at 1:39 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago   ↑ @Commentator Mike

    I hope so. The White South Africans are in existential trouble.

  54. Darryl Ford says: January 10, 2023 at 1:44 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago   ↑ @Commentator Mike

    I hope so. The white South Africans appear to be heading for an eventual bloodbath, thanks to the EFF (Economic Freedom Front) and other white-hating racist groups.

  55. Passing By says: January 10, 2023 at 1:47 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago   ↑ @Kolya Krassotkin

    Hatred and frustration can be blinding.

  56. usNthem says: January 10, 2023 at 1:47 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago   ↑

    I vote a tidal wave nuke or two off the Cali coast so we don’t get too much fallout.

  57. S says: January 10, 2023 at 1:51 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago • 800 Words   ↑

    “A nuclear at


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